Finally get your personalized insight into the ROOT causes of your gut & hormone imbalances


Finally… a course that allows you to be put back in the driver’s seat of your health!


Are you sick of waking up exhausted,having to drag yourself through the day with multiple cups of caffeine, only to fall onto the couch after work? You can’t spend time with your friends and family due to your exhaustion and your career is taking a hit. Sound familiar? 


Are you sick of constantly feeling bloated, no matter what you eat? You keep limiting the foods you eat, but nothing changes and your stomach feels worse than ever! Not to mention you’re over  wasting time and money on supplements that don’t get you results. Did I hit the nail on the head yet?


Do you dread going to the doctors office because you know they will just hand you another pill or tell you your “labs are normal”? Then you end up leaving the office in tears just like the last time because you haven’t felt like yourself in years and feel your symptoms are being dismissed. 


Are you frustrated with all the conflicting information on the internet that prevents you from knowing what is right or wrong for your health? You have tried every single “diet” without any change in your weight, energy or bloating…


…Well no more!

Get Started Here

Why you have exhaustion, bloating, and anxiety despite everything you're doing.


After spending years working with clients who are stuck in a  cycle of exhaustion, bloating and anxiety no matter what they try,  what I quickly learned was that avoiding certain foods was not the answer!

Pay attention because this is one of the most important (and foundational things) you’ll ever learn for your health & if you don’t get it right now, then it could cost you chronic disease like: autoimmune diseases (Hashimoto’s, endometriosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, alopecia), irritable bowel disease (Crohn’s, Ulcerative colitis, celiac), dementia or Alzeheimer’s or god forbid… cancer. 

Where most people think avoiding food is the best way to heal your gut & hormones, or that taking medication to mask your symptoms is the only “fix”—they’re missing the CRUCIAL step that comes before anything else; the ROOT cause of your fatigue, bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, anxiety/depression, painful/ irregular periods and acne that comes from overgrowths in your gut causing nutritional and hormonal imbalances as well as nutritional imbalances.

Without killing the overgrowths in your gut and addressing nutritional deficiencies: bloating, fatigue, autoimmune diseases persist. You will never fully heal...

Get Healed You Now!

I want to empower YOU and equip you with the tools to succeed! 


Are you ready to look, feel, and perform your best? 

  • Get to the root cause of your gut overgrowth without hours of wasted research
  • Create a customized protocol that is tailored to you
  • Stop spending thousands on supplements that don’t work for you
  • Get support from a doctor for the fraction of the cost of a concierge program
  • Have the education to keep your gut & hormone health optimized for life

"All disease starts in the gut"


Does this sound like you?

  • Fatigue that never goes away no matter how much sleep
  • Always bloated no matter what you eat 
  • Constipation or diarrhea making your rely on pills 
  • Acne that never goes away despite trying every cream, pill & skincare product
  • Brain fog that makes you feel like “your head is full of cotton balls” 
  • Crippling painful periods that keep you dreading your time of the month (if you even know when it is happening)
  • Stressed out the max that you feel like your body and mind is constantly on edge and you cannot calm your mind


Are you nodding your head yes to most of these symptoms?

This course was exclusively designed and tailored for the woman who is in a high stress position, often struggle with bloating and chronic fatigue who desires to holistically heal their gut and hormones at the ROOT and is sick of trying everything without any success. has tried everything without any success.


“Since working together I have discovered the root cause of the issues I have been facing and I no longer feel that nothing can be done. I feel less pain, almost no bloating, and less anxiety. Since working together I have had healthy bms every single day which is a miracle! I also feel much more confident that I can take control of my health and feel the way I want to feel. I know which supplements I can take and which foods I can eat to improve the way I feel. I also have more tools for managing my stress.”


“When we began, I was struggling with bloating, fatigue, headaches, rashes, food reactions, digestive issues, trouble with sleep and depression. During the rapid relief, 95% of my bloating went away. I have had more energy, I have not been struggling with headaches, rashes, food reactions and have had limited digestive issues.”





What if I told you there was a different way:


Your life BEFORE the coaching:

  • Fatigue that has you feeling like you’re in a slump by 3pm (and dependent on caffeine) 
  • Always bloated no matter what you eat (and need 3 sizes of clothes to accommodate)
  • Stubborn weight that will not go away no matter how many diets/exercises you try
  • Irregular bowel movements that make you constantly cancel social events 
  • Acne that doesn't go away no matter what you do
  • Irregular and painful periods that keep you curled up and unable to leave the house


Your life AFTER the coaching:

  • Energy that lasts all day to have improved productivity
  • No more uncomfortable bloating and discomfort
  • Metabolism that allows you to finally shed the stubborn weight you've been holding onto for years
  • A sense of calm, even in high pressure situations 
  • A clear and glowing complexion
  • Painless and regular periods that don't have you reaching for sweatpants and ibuprofen
  • Comfortable in your skin and confidence when you look in the mirror

A Sneak Peak of What’s Inside

 Here are some of the things you will learn in the Healed You Course…

Module 1: Rapid Inflammation Relief

Quickly eliminate inflammation so your gut starts to heal FAST from DAY 1 of joining. Learn how to clean out your pantry, customize a meal list, meal prep and discover the best foods to get you feeling AMAZING, even before you start on your personalized protocol. 


Module 2: Blood Sugar Balance

You will learn how to eat foods in the right order and all about the hormones behind blood sugar balance. This will not only heal your gut but prevent you from feeling hangry, dizzy, constant brain fog and exhausted so you can  unlock energy and feel ready to keep checking tasks off your to-do list all day


Module 3: Elevate Your Sleep

Finally get the rest you deserve to heal and reduce inflammation to help you melt weight, decrease stress and heal your hormones! 


Module 4: Understanding Your Labs Understand what is going on in your body at ROOT cause level to create a customized nutrition and supplement plan that is best for you!   


Module 5: Digestive Deep Dive

Finally understand which “healthy foods” are good for your gut and the WHY behind them. It’s time to take the guesswork out of “why am I eating these so-called healthy foods” and actually understand what foods are good for each part of your gut so you can thrive


Module 6: Rev Your Metabolism

It’s time to kickstart your metabolism and kick that stubborn weight to the curve. On top of everything else you work on with healing your gut and rebalancing your hormones, it’s time to make sure your body is a fat burning machine and keeping your energy at an all time high. Aging can be prolonged with the tips in this module! 


Module 7: Cycle Syncing

Are you ready to work with your hormones vs feeling against them? This module focuses on how to tune into your body throughout your monthly cycle. I’ll break it down with why your sleep, appetite, energy and metabolism are all so closely tied to where you are with your hormones! You will get the education you wish you had in high school to hack your cycle and keep it regular, pain-free cramps, and say good-bye to PMS.


Module 8: Exercise
It’s time to exercise to work harmoniously with your body, rather than against it, this module ensures you maintain optimal energy levels while banishing stress. Say goodbye to fatigue and hello to a revitalized, balanced body that's ready to conquer each day with the workout that is best for you!


Module 9: Stress Relief for your Brain & Body
Your body feels stressed and your brain knows it. Healing your brain-gut connection will allow you to have less mood swings, have a sense of calm and feel like you can overcome any challenges you are faced


Module 10: Detoxification
Your gut can’t fully heal if your body’s detox pathways are not eliminating toxins properly. time to get all the toxins out of your body so you can heal that gut FAST! You will FINALLY eliminate bloating and stubborn weight that has been stuck for years. 


Module 11: Heal and Seal
You spent the time getting rid of the bad bacteria, parasites and yeast in your gut; now it’s time to heal the gut lining and seal it up to prevent dis-ease from returning! This is critical to prevent the gut lining breakdown from coming back and keeping your body healed. 


Module 12: Self-Love
It’s time to heal your body so you have the confidence and empowerment to continue healing for your lifetime. This is the module to zone in on self care to boost your confidence and keep on healing for the future to prevent dis-ease!  


Get the holistic guides to how to heal from common sicknesses like colds, flus, bloating, constipation, acne, and so much more! 

Pay In Full


Top features

Program features

  • Exclusive trainings on Gut, Hormones, Metabolism, Stress, Sleep, Exercise and So much more
  • Link to purchase specialty lab testing (GI Map, Heavy Metal & Mineral Testing, extensive Hormone Testing) so you can understand why you're exhausted, bloated and stressed at a root cause level
  • Lab review videos so you can understand what is going on in your body
  • Access to discounted pharmaceutical grade supplements to create your own protocol

2 Payments

$648 x 2

Most Popular

Program features

  • Exclusive trainings on Gut, Hormones, Metabolism, Stress, Sleep, Exercise and So much more
  • Link to purchase specialty lab testing (GI Map, Heavy Metal & Mineral Testing, extensive Hormone Testing) so you can understand why you're exhausted, bloated and stressed at a root cause level
  • Lab review videos so you can understand what is going on in your body
    • Access to discounted pharmaceutical grade supplements to create your own protocol

12 Payments

$133 x 12

Top features

Program features

  • Exclusive trainings on Gut, Hormones, Metabolism, Stress, Sleep, Exercise and So much more
  • Link to purchase specialty lab testing (GI Map, Heavy Metal & Mineral Testing, extensive Hormone Testing) so you can understand why you're exhausted, bloated and stressed at a root cause level
  • Lab review videos so you can understand what is going on in your body
    • Access to discounted pharmaceutical grade supplements to create your own protocol

I've been where you are...

I’ve been the exhausted professional who has pushed through each and every day only to crash once I sat down on the couch. My bloating was so horrible that I knew I needed to either not eat before events just to fit into my clothes or wear oversized shirts so I didn’t feel embarrassed. My digestion made me fear food as I continued to restrict and restrict more food to figure out the cause of my chronic stomach pain. I spent years not wanting to go out for fear of not being near a bathroom. I was so exhausted that waking up each day was a chore. I hated the person who stared back at me in the mirror and was frustrated that I could never make any changes to my body no matter what I ate or how much I worked out, despite eating a healthy diet.

 I know what it was like to live my day just trying to get through to the next and let the years pass by before my eyes. I desperately wanted to change my life, but every healthcare specialist  told me “there’s nothing wrong with you. Your labs look fine.” 

I knew I needed to take action and thankfully I found functional medicine, which changed the course of my life.

I knew I was put on this Earth to heal your gut. It is my honor and passion to help people understand what is going on in your body through education and support. I know what you went through and I know I can help you. So join me to finally heal your gut in the Healed You Course!

Does this sound like you?


Have you been searching for answers to these symptoms that no one can explain? Like hairloss, stubborn weight that came on without any dietary changes, bloating that seems nonstop, fatigue that prevents you from wanting to do anything ever and feeling like you’re constantly worrying about anything and everything? But your traditional doctor claims “your labs are normal” when you do not feel anything but normal. Or maybe you’re just offered a pill for your symptoms, but deep down you know there is a root cause. 


Then it is time to make a change in your health and take a stand. It is time to feel empowered on what is going on in your body and make informed choices that will change your life forever. You don’t have to keep feeling like you do and just getting by. You can actually thrive in life. You can actually wake up with energy without your alarm going off ten times and keeping that energy throughout the day. You don’t have to rely on caffeine. You can actually eat food without bloating or needing to take pills for your heartburn. You can finally shed the weight that has been piling on for years without any dietary changes. You can finally look in the mirror and be proud of the woman you see in front of you and know she is the woman who has been inside you all along.

Learn More to Heal At Your Root Cause Today