$498.50 USD

2 monthly payments

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Healed You Course

Join me in Healed You, a comprehensive high-level automated course where you get to the root cause of your gut and hormone dysfunction and learn the specific steps to take to rebalance and heal! You’ll get access to specialty functional medicine laboratory testing to find out exactly what’s going on inside your body so you can reduce inflammation, customize foods and supplements to heal from gut overgrowths, improve your energy and banish bloating, and rebalance any and all abnormalities found on testing. You also will spend time doing a comprehensive detox, rev your metabolism, work on cycle syncing and most importantly, feel empowered that you are in the driver’s seat of your health! 


  • Program features
    • Exclusive trainings on Gut, Hormones, Metabolism, Stress, Sleep, Exercise and So much more
    • Link to purchase specialty lab testing (GI Map, Hair Mineral Testing, Hormone Testing- so you can understand why you're exhausted, bloated and stressed at a root cause level)
    • Lab review videos so you can learn more about what your labs mean 


Testing is not available in NY, NJ, RI, or outside of the continental United States.


Disclaimer: This is not to replace medical advice. Please seek advice from your medical professional prior to starting this course if you have a contraindication to lifestyle changes. Also no refunds once purchase completed.